Friday, May 27, 2011

Jamendo music service

I’ve recently discovered, a music site that hosts free music, and I’ve been meaning to post about it.

That’s right. Free, no strings attached. The site allows independent artists to offer their albums as a free download with Creative Commons licensing. I’ve got a few favorites, so far, but let me start with sharing Zero Project with you. Zero project is the work of one anonymous fellow from Athens, Greece who has been releasing his music to the world since 2007. The music is electronic leaning toward ambient, chill out, and house. It makes for excellent foreground or background listening.

Why don’t you give it a try. I suggest starting with e-world.



Thursday, May 26, 2011

Some Site Maintenance


I’m doing some site maintenance right now, so your connection may be spotty.

In addition, I must apologize for a necessary step. Due to unscrupulous assholes creating site accounts for the sole purpose of spamming my comments and forums, I have been forced to delete all user accounts. If you are one of the few actual customers/friends of the site, I am deeply sorry, but you will have to create a new account to continue to use the forums. Please forgive the inconvenience.

It only takes one idiot to screw things up for the rest of us.



Monday, May 23, 2011

Time for Brain Pain

Want to make your brain hurt? Watch these.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Feather Fall

Now, this. This is sweet.

The idea is to stabilize and slow the reentry of a space vehicle using only the aerodynamics of a falling feather. This test run shows proof of concept beautifully.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

American Gods Contest Update

Well, Round 1 is over for the American Gods contest. I did not make it into the finals, but that’s okay. Thanks to all of you who voted, even once.

Here is a link to the 20 finalists that Gaiman will have to choose from.

Strangely, I don’t see the fellow who was leading for such a long time. The tide must have turned over the month of April. At least one of the finalists was someone I liked from the early days, Jeremy Owen. I can’t wait to see who gets chosen.
