Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Zombie Planet has a new forum

So, did I mention Zombie Planet, the most excellent game and comic shop in Albany, has a new forum? Well, they do. Now you can register to keep up with all things ZP. Want to discuss your latest gripe about game X? Want to gush over game Y? Or are you simply looking for someone, anyone, to play with you? Well, stop in at the forum and see what’s there.



Tuesday, December 7, 2010

You are the Halo

So, I’ve mentioned Rebecca Mayes here before. She writes songs about video games. They aren’t exactly reviews or critiques, more like songs inspired by them, though they often have critical parts to them. The music is often ethereal and evocative, and always beautiful. Below is her offering for Halo 2. Usually, she pens her own lyrics, but these are the words of Marianne Williamson, as used by Nelson Mandela for his inauguration speech. Beautiful words on their own, but Rebecca manages to make them even more special. Listen.