Thursday, March 17, 2011

A d20 Setting Hack

I just put the finishing touches on a short D&D setting hack that I’ve been working on for the past week. I play D&D biweekly with some local friends, and we have a deal where we swap off between two GMs (and campaigns) every three sessions or so. We’ve just shifted around to a different pair with Nelson running his first campaign with us. That started me thinking about planning ahead so I can take over for Joe when his campaign ends, assuming Mark doesn’t have something to run. I’ve had an idea for how to kick off the campaign for a little while now, but not much else.

So I started thinking about overall plot. Now, I suck at the looking-three-moves-ahead thing, and developing a plot is my Achilles heel. So, when the barest thought struck me for a hack to the standard setting, I dove into it with gusto. See, that sort of stuff I can obsess over. It’s pretty much all I’ve been thinking about for days. I thought, why not explore a world where magic comes easily to everyone? Rather than having your standard spellcasting classes, anyone can learn to cast spells through feats. I ran with it from there, and now I have three new classes (which are probably overpowered, because, hey, it’s me, right?) and a nifty way of handling spells and psionics.

So, now I have to get back to considering plot and long-term structure. Which never survives the first encounter with the players anyway.

Once we start playing around with these rules and new classes and see how they balance out, I plan to share them with the world at large.



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