…and that pretty much makes life worth living, all on its own.
Yesterday, Kaylin came into the study while I was working on a prototype cover for Star Lost (my space opera RPG). She saw the screen and asked if I was working on my game (meaning, I think, Igor, which we had played together last week). I told her it was art for the role-playing game the gaming group had been playing for a while, and she said “Oh” or some other phrase of recognition. Then she gave me a big squeeze and said “I love you” in exactly the same tone I use when I say it to her after she’s done something cool or weird or just Kaylinish, and I really mean, “I’m proud of you, and, You’re just cool, and You are so totally frickin’ froody, how could the universe have managed without you these billions of years?” I choked up a bit as she danced off to take her shower. It don’t get much better than that.
Note: Cross posted from Quentin Hudspeth's Journal.Permalink
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