Thursday, January 8, 2009

New Year Goodness

One thing you really start to notice after a long holiday is that you have too many RSS feeds on Google Reader. That's gonna take a while to clear out.

Anyway, for me the new year apparently starts a week late, so Happy New Year!

Resolutions? Well, I have a few half-hearted ones, I suppose. I've never been big on New Year resolutions; I prefer to make my resolutions any old time, so I can break them sooner. But, there are things I'd like to accomplish this year.
  • I'd like to post here more often. I was doing well for a while, but stopped due to distractions.
  • I'd like to write more, getting back to the early morning schedule that the holiday visitations ruined.
  • For those of you familiar with Jonathan Coulton's Thing a Week project, I'd like to start a Thing Every Two Weeks or So (or Maybe Just When Pigs Fly) project of my own. I hope to post some original writing of my own as a creative outlet and sort of self promotion. I'll probably cross post at my Blogger site, too.
  • In an effort to reach more people, I want to start cross posting to my Blogger site. (Can I squeeze another bullet out of that?)
  • I'd like to finish the RPG Stories from the Shelter. Not that it hasn't been fun to work on, but geez I'd like to work on other things, and my time is limited...
  • I'd like to get more exercise, but that tends to cross purposes with the previous bullets.

Okay, now in the News:

Genericon XXII

I'll be attending Genericon at RPI again this year, and I'll even, god help me, be running an SftS game. Chindi (the title of the session) is in Slot 6 (Saturday night), unfortunately alongside one of Tau's SA games and 's D&D game, either of which I would have loved to attend. But, that leaves me free to attend 's Sidearm game in Slot 5 and his SA game in Sunday's last slot, plus tau's Sunday SA game in the morning slot. I've been hoping to see Tau's take on SA for a couple of years now. Woo hoo! Back to back Sufficiently Advanced. My head may explode.

Stories from the Shelter
I will be discontinuing posting at the SftS development community. There just hasn't been enough activity lately to warrant it, so I'll just deal with that stuff here. One stop shopping at its best. I won't kill the community, so we don't lose the information (FYI, Livejournal does not support the ability to export comments to journal entries, only the entries themselves. Their clever workaround? Print them out. Yay.).

Also, I'm closing in on the end of a narrative gameplay demo. I had Heather begin reading the manuscript and, being not an RPGer, she found a few flaws in the early bits. Mainly, she got confused and bewildered by the plethora of Abilities descriptions and was left mainly with the question of "Why the hell do I care?" So, she requested a demo that highlighted some of the main mechanics so she could see why having a +1 Situational Modifier would be a good thing. Genius, I thought. I will post the text of that demo separately. We also decided to place the copious descriptions of the Abilities in a latter chapter, making it easier for the reader to flow through The Measure of Man into Character Genesis. I'll probably move them to Deep in the Life after the Aliens Revisited section.

Okay, I guess that should be it for now. I need to go remove the snow from the driveway before the schoolbus gets here, feed Kaylin, eat...all that stuff that gets in the way of progress.


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