Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Note: Cross posted from Quentin Hudspeth's Journal.


I get to see RUSH in concert at SPAC Friday night with Heather…for free!!!!

Heather managed to snag some free tickets from the GE Volunteers organization. W00t!

Don’t know yet where we are seated, but who cares? It’s RUSH and it’s FREE.


Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Xmas in July Sale at DriveThruRPG

Note: Cross posted from Quentin Hudspeth's Journal.


There's a sale comin' on! Friday the 23rd - Monday the 26th DriveThru will be having a 25% off sale, and Hudspeth Games’ products will be included. So, if you’ve been putting off buying some stuff, the time is coming this weekend!