Thursday, April 29, 2010

What a RUSH!!

Note: Cross posted from Quentin Hudspeth's Journal.


Whooooooo!!! Yeah! Feel the exhilaration.

Rush. One of the most influential bands EVAR, both musically and philosophically. Finally, the story behind the band. This summer. Be there.


I was introduced to Rush in the late 80s when my best friend’s brother set Hold Your Fire to some computer animation he scripted (similar to the old bouncing lines screen saver). He also did a Tangerine Dream song, whose name escapes me. It was Brett Milner who brought me to the two bands who helped form my musical tastes, informed my personal philosophy, and all around just made my world a better place to live and listen in.

Since that time, I have purchase Rush’s catalogue on cassette and replaced them on CD. It started with A Farewell to Kings, the tape of which I pretty much wore out. That’s still one of my favorite albums, and the top of their epic rock phase. And I intend to keep on buying their stuff as it comes out. Even their most disappointing efforts (Test for Echo) are only mediocre, and equal to the best of the pap on the airwaves.

So, here’s to the hope that this movie will bring Rush to a fresh new generation of listeners who get as much out of their work as I have.

Thanks Neil, Geddy and Alex. You rock on.


Note: Cross posted from Quentin Hudspeth's Journal.


Thursday, April 22, 2010

Caltrops goes live!

Note: Cross posted from Quentin Hudspeth's Journal.


Goblin pt

I just set up the product page for Caltrops at DriveThruRPG. It’s awesome!

I’m also getting the Hudspeth Games website up and running. It’s barebones, right now, with placeholder text for all but the Caltrops page. But I hope to flesh it out more over the next couple of weeks.

I’ve also started the layout process for Morgenstern’s Spellbook, a collection of quirky spells recently used in our bi-weekly campaign. Look for that in the next few weeks as well.


Note: Cross posted from Quentin Hudspeth's Journal.


Monday, April 12, 2010

Art for Caltrops

I recently threw together a generic fantasy game supplement featuring two dice games. The conceit I hung them on was that they were played by this race of goblins that lived in the highlands of a fictitious world, who like to use caltrops for gaming implements. Liz Hooper, a friend of a friend, has graciously agreed to do a bit of cover art for the project. Here is her initial sketch, which I think is incredible. I can’t wait for the finished product. If you want to see more of her work, she has also illustrated an upcoming RPG called Do. The design blog for that is here, and you can catch sketch work in past archive months, like January.

sketch-4-6-2010-v1 Click to enlarge.