Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Shamus Plays

Note: Cross posted from Quentin Hudspeth's Journal.


I first told you about Shamus Young back when he was doing his uproariously funny DM of the Rings parody of Lord of the Rings (as though it were a campaign of D&D). Now Shamus is playing through Lord of the Rings Online, and treating us to his wonderful humor along the way. From taking pot shots at the Middle Earth Strip mall (merchants row) in a town besieged by brigands to upbraiding guards for holing up in the lodge and guarding the food, Shamus takes us on a wonderful ride through the grind of hunting spiders, wolves and bandits.

Whether you’re a fan of LotR, LotR, or MMO’s in general, I think you’ll enjoy

Shamus Plays LoTRO


Note: Cross posted from Quentin Hudspeth's Journal.


Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Homegrown Terrorists

Note: Cross posted from Quentin Hudspeth's Journal.


I worry about attacks from foreign terrorists. A little. I mean, who doesn't. But I worry about attacks from our homegrown terrorists even more. At least we can keep a somewhat better eye on them here.

Note: Cross posted from Quentin Hudspeth's Journal.


Monday, March 29, 2010

Calling all spells

Note: Cross posted from Quentin Hudspeth's Journal.


I just might make some money from something I do for free!

Headless Hydra Games is looking for submissions of new (and unique) spells for a new Pathfinder compatible Spell Compendium (

I’ve submitted a lot of spells that I’ve thrown together over the last decade. If Axel chooses even one for inclusion in the book, I’ll be stoked. So, if any of you out there have an interesting spell or two up your sleeve, you may want to contribute. The book will be released under the open gaming license, so you don’t even lose the ability to publish them elsewhere, if you’re of a mind to.


Note: Cross posted from Quentin Hudspeth's Journal.


Monday, March 22, 2010

Smashy Smashy

Note: Cross posted from Quentin Hudspeth's Journal.


Some cool atom-smashing results have appeared at Brookhaven. There is reasonable evidence of parity breaking in the strong force. Scientists have recently opened their results up for peer scrutiny after a year of in-house checking. Much cool new physics could arise from these results.  

For One Tiny Instant, Physicists May Have Broken a Law of Nature

( -- For a brief instant, it appears, scientists at Brook­haven National Laboratory on Long Island recently discovered a law of nature had been broken.

Note: Cross posted from Quentin Hudspeth's Journal.


Happy Birthday, Robot.

Note: Cross posted from Quentin Hudspeth's Journal.


Daniel Solis has a project coming out called Happy Birthday, Robot. It’s a storytelling game centered around a robot. You can find out more here where there is some actual play posted along with further descriptions of the game. He’s using KickStarter to drum up interest in a limited print run of signed and numbered hardback editions of the game. Daniel is an excellent (award winning) layout artist and illustrator. It promises to be a beautiful book. It will also be released as a PDF if you’re interested in that. Either way, you should check it out, and if you’d be interested in a purchase, pledge to the kickstart.



Note: Cross posted from Quentin Hudspeth's Journal.


Thursday, March 18, 2010

Guitar Republic

Note: Cross posted from Quentin Hudspeth's Journal.


More fingerstyle maniacs from Candyrat Records.

Note: Cross posted from Quentin Hudspeth's Journal.


Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Milestone Alert

Well, I’ve finished self-editing the 400 page tome that is Star Lost. I’ve just sent the PDF off to a couple of friends who agreed to look it over. When I get their comments digested in about a month I’ll see if Colin is still up for layout duty, or if I’ll be on my own, or something in between. While Word is a great word processor and can do some swanky things like hyperlinked ToCs and indeces, it’s pretty lousy for making a pretty document. Since I gots no $$, I’m going to have to publish without art (unless someone is crazy enough to provide free art), so I’ll need the tidiest layout I can get.

But for the next stretch of time I won’t be thinking about Star Lost, instead working on some smaller projects I’ve started along the way that are near completion. There’s Gaming the Market, a small cross-genre supplement for randomizing the shopping experience. And there’s also Caltrops, a dice game involving everyone’s favorite pyramidal dice. I’ve also got to get the Hudspeth Games website dressed out (anyone out there want to help? Know Drupal?). After that we’ll see. I’ve been kicking around an idea for both a novel and new game within the same setting. I think I want to focus on the novel, but my lizard brain keeps throwing other ideas at me instead.

Enough updates. Gotta go think about what to cook for dinner.


Currently listening to Various Artists - Jazz Mixes - Jazz Mix Tape III Side One

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Moer plugin testing

For some reason, I couldn’t test all the plugins at once, so here we go again, down the list.

For inserting a link to a file and attaching it.

Note: Cross posted from Quentin Hudspeth's Journal.
